Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sun Shine Terrance

Just a little heads up for next week when we preform at SUN SHINE TERRANCE. 

-MONDAY and WEDNESDAY classes will perfume on WEDNESDAY (23rd) night at 6:00 p.m. Please have girls there 15 min early.

-TUESDAY and THURSDAY classes will preform on TUESDAY (22nd) night  at 6:00 p.m.
Please have girls there 15 min early.

-The address is 248 west 300 North. The parking isn't great so you n=might have to park out on the roads and walk in front doors and we will have somewhere showing you where to go. 

-COSTUMES - Some classes will be given costumes this week at dance. Some will have to get them at the Sun Shine Terrance that day. My costume lady that is altering all of the costumes does all the costumes for the ballet and is behind on those and won't have ours done tell Monday of next week. They will have plenty of places to change at Sun Shine Terrance. Just come a little early to make sure you have time to change. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

If you get your costume this week or if you just get it the day of the performance please remember when you take them back home with you to PLEASE keep them in the bags and away from the girls so they won't playing in them or  loose pieces or break something. The other costumes will be handed out the week before we do pictures in May. 

- HAIR - TIGHTS -  What dance they will be preforming. Some classes are ready to preform dance two so any new girls that added will be able to preform. 

Monday 4:30 : Dance 1 - Tan footless tights - Hair in low curled ponytail. Bring hair piece and Danielle will put it where she wants it. 

Monday 5:30 : Dance 1 - Tan tights with pink ballet shoes - Hair in Low curly ponytail.

Tuesday 4:30 : Dance 1 - Tan tights with pink ballet shoes - Hair in high tight bun. 

Wednesday 10:00 : Dance 2 - Tan footed tights with pink ballet shoes - Hair in high curly pony tail

Wednesday 11:00 : Dance 2 - Black footed tights with pink ballet shoes - Hair in high curly pony tail. 

Wednesday 1:00 : Dance 2 - Tan footed tights with pink Ballet shoes - Hair in high curly pony tail.

Wednesday 4:30 : Cheer Dance 1 - Tan footless tights - Hair in high pony with big bow

Wednesday 5:30 : Dance 2 - Tan footless tights - Hair down and curly. They wear black hats. 

Thursday 10:00 : Dance 1 - Tan footless tights no ballet shoes for this dance just bear feet.  - Hair in wavy (crypt) with it all down. 

Thursday 11:00 : Dance 2 - Tan tights with pink ballet shoes - Hair in high curly pony tail. 

Thursday 1:00 : Dance 1 - Tan footless tights no ballet shoes for this dance just bear feet.  Hair in high curly pony tail. If you can't do a pony tail just do half up half down. 

Thursday 4:30 : Dance 1 - Tan footless tights  - Hair in high curly ponytail. 

Thursday 5:30 : Dance 2 - Tan footless tights - Hair in high curly ponytail.

Most of the costumes come with a hair piece...just bring them with you and your teacher will shoe you wear to put them so they are all the same. 

Tan tights are a little hard to find...especially footless tights. Wal-Mart has footed tights for under $5.00 in black and sometimes tan but if you can't find cheap footless one you can always just cut the toes off. I do have a website that I like to use. It's www.discountdance.com   They have child and adult sizes. They run from $4.95 - $5.95 and i'm not sure on shipping. But I like the light suntan color.  If you can't find them or want to order them and don't have time. It's totally fine if they preform at Sun Shine Terrance without tights. But they will need them for the recital. 

If your daughter is in a class thats not doing dance 2 please take off $6.00 off your April tuition. Wish we could of made it it work for everyone. 

NO NORMAL CLASSES THE WEEK WE PREFORM. The Performance will count as our class this week. 

I know this is a lot of information...please don't hesitate to call or text me with questions. I seem to always forget to put some information in 435.881.1566

Also parents and family members are welcome to come watch at Sun Shine Terrance but we just need to be courteous to all the residence that are there to watch. Let's just make sure they are in the front so they can see. It can get a little tricky with all the wheel chairs and walkers but we are hoping there is a little more room at Sun Shine Terrance then past places we have danced. 

We are so excited for the girls to get to preform and wear their costumes. They have been working so hard. 

For THURSDAY 4:30 and 5:30 classes only
First off I just want to apologies about last Thursdays class. Both teachers Maddy and Ashley were on college spring break and we got a sub for the classes and she totally spaced it and didn't show up. Then it happened that I was on a cruise with my husbands family and had no cell service. I am so sorry and totally understand what's its like to have multiple kids your trying to get to different activities and all the logistics it can be to get them to point  A to point B. We want to do whatever to make it up to you. We will offer a make-up class the week they preform at Sun Shine Terrance. So as well as preforming on Tuesday night they will have their regular classes on Thursday night at 4:30 or 5:30. If you are upset please feel free to call me and I will try and work something out to compensate you. Thanks for you understanding.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Dance

Just a few things for March....
We decided to have the girls preform at the SUN SHINE TERRANCE on March 22 (Tuesday) and March 23 (Wednesday) at 6:00 p.m. We had to split it into two nights with there being so many girls. So if you class is on TUESDAY or THURSDAY day or night you will be preforming on Tuesday the 22nd. If your class is on MONDAY or WEDNESDAY you will be preforming on Wednesday the 23rd. We will have girls be there by 5:40 p.m. all ready in costumes. We will be handing the costumes out the follow week. If you aren't at dance that day you will need to contact me to pick up your costume or you can come early to the performance and get ready there. 
I have had d few classes costumes already altered, but a few classes won't be done in time so we might have to safety pin a few classes. I apologies  but my seamstress is really backed up, on other companies she sews for. 

We are preforming the first dance that they learned from September - December. So if you daughter added in January and isn't doing dance one they are welcome to come and watch but they won't be preforming. You can take -5 off your tuition with them missing that week of dance. If you already paid for March take it off your April tuition. I hope that is okay.

This week that the girls will be preforming at Sun Shine Terrance this will count as their dance for this week (March21st - March 24th) So NO normal classes this week just the performance.

*For MONDAY 4:30 class only-
Danielle was telling me that some of the girls said they don't want to preform at the Sun Shine Terrance. I think its good practice for the girls. So lets plan on them preforming and if your daughter really doesn't want to preform will you please let me know. 

Also we won't be having dance the week of SPRING BREAK which is March 28th-March 31st
So make sure you put that on your calendar. Hope everyone has a great Spring Break!!!

Also if you haven't already paid for costume two....total is depending on your class. If you don't know your total please call or text me and I can let you know. Please make sure it is paid before Spring Break. 

We will be handing out the T-Shirt (which was part of your registration fee) the week we hand out costumes. This year all of our second dances are all to a different color so the shirts are about color and are written in their class color. They will be wearing these shirt in the recital so please make sure you don't loose them. 

I'll be email the week before we preform at the Retirement home about more details. 

Thanks for letting us teach your girls

Sweet Pea Dance Co.
Hayley Egan