Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Valentines Party

We want to do a Valentines Party of the week of Monday the 9th through Thursday the 12th during your daughter class. If they want have them wear RED, PURPLE or PINK. If your child would like to pass our valentines at our party at the end of class. (This is optional) Have your child sign their name on the card, but leave the TO part blank.

Amount of Girls in each class

Monday         4:30    - 8   girls
Monday         5:30    - 10
Tuesday        5:30    - 12
Wednesday   10:00   - 10
Wednesday   11:00   - 12
Wednesday   4:30     - 13
Wednesday   5:30     - 6
Thursday      10:00    - 12
Thursday      1:00      -10
Thursday      4:30      -10
Thursday      5:30      -9

We will provide a bag for them to put all their Valentines in. Please remember this is optional.

Thanks, If you have question or concern please call or email

Hayley Egan
Sweet Pea Dance Co.