I will be making a list of all the classes and times and will send that out Tuesday. If you don't want your daughter's name on the list for everyone to see please just email me and I will just put their initials on the class lists.
Some of our classes have small numbers in them if I can't get 5 girls in those classes I will have to combine them with another class. Below are the classes that need more girls in them
Wednesday 1:30
Wednesday 5:30
Thursday 9:30
Thursday 4:30
Also I need to change a few of the times on a few classes. My teachers are coming from USU and are a little worried they will be cutting it a little close to make it to class on time...so I don't want that to be a problem. If your daughter is in one of those classes and its not going to work for you will you please call me as soon as you can so we can make needed changes.
So the THURSDAY 1:30 we need to move it to 1:45
the WEDNESDAY 4:30 we need to move it back to 5:00
and the WEDNESDAY 5:30 class back to 6:00
Sorry for the last min changes, hope it doesn't mess you up
The address to the studio is
3985 North 75 West
Hype Park 84341
It's just behind Freckle Farms the plant store and north of the castle looking building. We are on the NORTH side of the redbrick white siding building. There is a sign that says SWEET PEA DANCE and you can come through the north doors.
Payment will be done on the first day of class. You will need to include your registration fee of $20.00 and your first month of tuition $28.00 and then if you have a second daughter taking it's $23.00 for her. If you refer a new dancer you get your first month of tuition for 1/2 price.
Payments can be done by checks, written out to SWEET PEA DANCE CO. Cash, if you do cash please put in an envelope which we have out at dance with your daughters name and amount paid. Bill Pay, which you do through your bank and just add me as a payee and add my address: 2444 North 1250 East. North Logan, UT 8434. Venom which is an app you download to your phone and you add me as a friend and can send me payment through you phone. My name on venom is @SweetPea-Dance.
Payment is due by the 7th of each month or with holidays the first week of dance that month.
There is a $10.00 late fee for late payment. We will send home reminders if payment isn't made on time.
What to wear to dance....we aren't super picky on what to wear. We like girls in things that they can move easy in. Please don't feel like you have to go out and buy all new dance clothes. Leo's(pink, black or any color) and tights, ballet skirts are great, or a t-shirt and leggings. Have your girls wear what they feel comfortable in. If you are going to buy ballet shoes please buy pink ones. Most of the little girls classes and all ballet classes will be wearing pink ballet shoes in the recital.
On the first day of dance your welcome to stay for the first of dance to make sure you dancer is doing okay but I find that the girls do so much better if they don't see their parent/grandparents in the back watching. I also find my teachers are better teachers with out lots of eyes watching. If there is a problem we will contact you and make those arrangements if needed. We will have show off days where you can come and watch what they have been learning later in the year.
Our recital will be in May sometime not sure on the date yet. I'm trying to get Green Canyon High School so I'm just waiting on them to get their schedule worked out. I will let you know as soon as I hear. Also we will be preforming sometime in February at the new Maple Springs retirement center. So just watch for dates for that after Christmas.
Also your registration fee includes a T-shirt we probably won't hand those out tell after Christmas.
I know this is a lot of info but please feel free to email, call or text with any questions you may have. I will always but the emails I send out on the blog each time just incase that's easier then email.
My teachers and my self are so excited to get dance started this week. We have lots of fun things planned. So excited to see old faces and well as new faces.
Thanks so much
Sweet Pea Dance
Hayley Egan