Here is a look of the upcoming events for March, April and May. Please make sure you get the recital on your calender. I'll keep posting new information about the recital on the blog so try and check the blog often.
We are going to start putting colored stickers on girls that have not paid tuition or costume fee so if you see that your daughter has a sticker that means you are past due and please pay as soon as you can.
March 3-6: Tuition is due
March 1-31: Costume fee #2 is due of $35.00
March 31- April 3: Spring Break - NO DANCE
April 7-10: Tuition is due
April 17: The 4 morning classes preform at Pioneer Valley lodge.
May 1-7: Tuition is due + a $10.00 Recital Fee per girl.
May 12-15: Hand costumes out
May 19-23: Picture Day
May 26-29: No Dance this week just recital
MAY 31: Dress Rehearsal 10:00 - 12:00 and 12:00-2:00
Sweet Pea Dance
Hayley Egan