Tuesday, December 9, 2014


    Next week 15th-18th which will be the last week of dance before CHRISTMAS, each class will be having a little Christmas Party during their class. Have your dancer wear RED and GREEN or dress up in anything Christmas. Parents as well as any family is welcome to come to the last 15/20 minutes of your daughters class to watch your daughters preform the dance they have been working on and a few other fun dances. Your welcome to video them dancing, which we recommend so they can have it to practice at home. With any questions about the Christmas Party please feel free to call or email me. 

     Just a few other reminders. Christmas Break will be December 22th- January 4th. Classes will start back in January and each class will then start working on their second dance and a solo dance they will preform at the RECITAL. Make sure you mark your Calendars for the Recital…..It will be Saturday MAY 30th at Sky View High School at 7:00. With the Dress rehursal that same day.  

January: 5th-9th Tuition will be due
February: Tuition due by the 7th
February: 9th-13- Valentines Party- Welcome to bring Valentines to hand out in class
March: Tuition due by the 7th
April: SPRING BREAK no Dance MARCH 30-April 2
April: Tuition due by the 10th
May: Tuition due by the 7th
In May we will hand out costumes and have a picture day which we will get more detail soon. 

Thanks for letting us teach your girls we enjoy teaching them and seeing them grow.

Sweet Pea Dance
Hayley Egan

Monday, November 17, 2014


Just a reminder for Thanksgiving week there will be NO DANCE November 24th-27th. Hope everyone has a safe and fun break. Dance will start again on December 1st and go until the 19th of December, then we'll be having our CHRISTMAS break until the January 4th. So NO DANCE December 22nd - January 4th. 

If you have any questions please let me know. 

Thanks, Sweet Pea Dance

Hayley Egan

Monday, October 27, 2014


Hey just a quick reminder that this week October 27-30 ALL classes will have a fun little Halloween Dance Party during class. The girls are welcome to come to dance dressed in costume. The teachers just have some fun halloween dances they will get to do during their class. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email. 

For parents that have little girls, PLEASE try and take them to the bathroom BEFORE class. My teachers are wasting a lot of time doing potty breaks during class. This will give your girls more dance time if you can take them before class. Thanks. 

Also if you have not already paid the COSTUME FEE please make sure its paid with your NOVEMBER tuition.  It's $35.00. 

Hayley Egan
Sweet Pea Dance


Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Just a few reminders for the month of OCTOBER….
Tuition will be due by the 7th of each month. Please remember to write your checks out to
HAYLEY EGAN and if you do cash please put in an envelope with your daughter name on it. (We have envelopes at dance) In the last email it said that your first costume fee ($35.00) is due in October. It doesn't have to be paid with tuition this week, it is just due by the first week of November. If you need more time to pay it, that is fine just please let me know. Your welcome to write them all together in one check. 

If you have any questions please let me know. 
By email: sweetpeadance@gmail.com
Or phone: 435.881.1566 (text is good)

Sweet Pea Dance Co.
Hayley Egan

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dance is starting

We are all really excited to get to started with dance this next week. Excited to see the girls that danced with us last year and to meet all the new dancers. There is just a few things that you will need to know for the first week/month of dance.
Dance starts WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. This way each class will get 4 dance lessons in the month of September. 

We are not picky on what the girls wear to dance, as long as it is something they can move in. Leotards and tights are great but anything else they feel comfortable in works too.  The Monday 4:30 and 5:30 classes will use Ballet shoes in the recital, so you might want to invest in them now and use them all year long. For other classes bare feet works great, ballet shoes, or other dance shoes. But please don't feel like you need to go out and buy new everything. 

The studio is located at 3935 North 75 West in Hyde Park, Utah. It is in the same building as Whole Body Health Care Chiropractic and Dumbells Gym on the north side. The building is behind the Tonys Grove Nursery (recently renamed Freckle Farm), or just north of the Castle Reception center. 

Each dance class is 50 minutes long. Please be on time with dropping and picking up!

Tuition needs to be paid the first day of class. Tuition is $25.00 a month and $5.00 off for the second or more daughters that dance. Registration, which is due the first day of class is $20.00. You will be receiving a T-shirt as part of your fee. I will have all the sizes of shirts on the first day of dance that the girls can try on. There was a lot of people that didn't add their shirt size on the registration form so we will just do it this way to make sure everyone's shirts fit. 
Tuition is due by the 7th of each month. Please be on time with payment. If not paid by the 7th there will be a $10.00 late fee. If you are interested in setting up automatic bill pay, email me for the details. This is an easy way to make sure your payments are always on time!

         - 3rd-Dance starts
         - 3rd-9th: Payment is due. Tuition and Registration
        - Payment due by the 7th of the Month
        - 15th-16th UEA Break. No Wednesday or Thursday classes.
        - 27th-30th Halloween Party. Dancer can come to class in their Halloween Costume. 
        - Payment due by the 7th of the Month
        - 24th-27th NO DANCE - Thanksgiving Break
       - Payment due by the 7th of the Month
       - 22nd-4th NO DANCE - Christmas break 

      - DANCE will start up again on January 5th.
      - Payment will be due by the 11th for this month with the Holiday. 
 I will do an update of the Calendar after Christmas Break.

Parents are welcome to stay and watch the first day of class but I after that please don't plan on staying for class. I feel that the dancers do better and don't get distracted as easily if parents are not in the studio. I also feel my teachers do better as a teacher when they don't have lots of parents watching. 

 Below is the class list of each class. Please look over the list to make sure your daughter is in the right class, and that her name is spelled correctly. There are a few classes that are a little bigger classes and some that are smaller. If your daughter is in a bigger class and you want her in a smaller one please let me know and we can make those changes. 

Thank you for being apart of Sweet Pea Dance Company. We are excited to meet your daughters and get dancing. I feel very blessed to be able to do something that I love and know this wouldn't be possible without all of you. Thanks you!!!

Sweet Pea Dance
Hayley Egan 435.881.1566
Email: sweetpeadance@gmail.com

Monday 4:30 
Abigail Harris
Alexis Perry
Claire Wheatley
Hollie Hatch
Jocelyn Edwards
Katelyn Wood
Kaydence Sorensen
Kiya Haslam
Saysha Ellis
Summer Julander

Monday 5:30
Anita Leonhardt
Chloe Reeves
Ellie Harris
Ellie Sorensen
Grace Julander
Holly Huband
Morgan Huband
Mylee Anderson

Tuesday 5:30
Bliss Pettingill
Kaiya Harris
Tanika Egbert
Adi Goodrich
Grace Hansen

Wednesday 10:00

Addison Jensen
Allyson Egan
Amellia Wilkinson
Anna Spence
Claire Casselman
Everlyn Wilkinson
Isabelle Edwards
June Melcher
Lauren Brough
Mallory Maughn
Marisa Anderson
Mayzie Lowe

Wednesday 11:00
Adalou Dahlgren
Adalyn Williams
Adison Tibbitts
Avery Olsen
Bethany Ostermiller
Gracie Johnson
Harper Giles
Millie Jackson
Ruby Neil
Stella Wood
Vivia Willams

Wednesday 4:30
Ali Alder
Ashlynn Jenkins
Brielle Clark
Camber Clark
Destiny Whitconb
Hannah Hendricks
Kallie Jane Carlson
Marie Lorz
Yarel Patino

Wednesday 5:30
Ali Alder
Allie Jensen
Hattie Maughn
Kalista Garr
Morgan Miller

Thursday 10:00
Arianna Earley
Avery Ashcroft
Avrie Howell
Claire Pettigrew
Evy Ashworth
Megan Carter

Thursday 1:00
Abby Phillips
Brynlee Blake
Clara Sorenson
Emmy Welsh
Haven Haws
Jaidyn Stewart
Kaitlyn Carter
Maylee Dahlgren
Lindsey Balls
Zoe Hendricks

Thursday 4:30
Ashley Julander
Brooklyn Clegg
Clara Benson
Erica Rindlishbacher
Kate Julander
Madison Bowen
Melissa Carter
Sophie Leonhardt

Thursday 5:30

Abigail Casselman
Addi Ashcroft
Ashley Julander
Blaykelee Barr
Eva Brough
Hailey Panter
Kallianne Beckstead
Kate Julander
Makena Goodrich
Sarah Beckstead
Trinity Jensen
Solee Pierson

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Registration is now opened. We are all so excited for a new year!!!

First look at the schedule link and see what class you want then go to register link and fill in info and just hit send. If you don't hear from me your dancer got into the class you requested. I will be sending out an email as well as putting up a class list and other important information on the blog the last of AUGUST.

*Classes will start WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. 

*Check out new pricing page

*When registering your dancer include your daughters shirt size along with their age in the students age field. Shirt sizes come in youth XS, youth S, youth M, youth L, youth XL, and adult S.

* We have one recital at the end of the school year. It will be held on Saturday, May 30th at 7:00 p.m. at Sky View High School. Please mark your calender now!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

2014-2015 Registration

Registration begins August 11th and will go until classes are full. Click on schedule look at class times and see what works best for you. Then go to register and fill in the info and hit send. I will send out and email and post on the blog the class list as well as all the info you will need to know for the first week of dance. We are all so excited for another year!!! 

Sweet Pea Dance
Hayley Egan

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fall 2014 Reg

Registration will begin August 11 and go tell classes are full. Please check the blog for new class times and other information when registration begins.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May Recital Info

Theres a lot going on with dance the next few weeks. Everyone should have a least one costume by the end of this week (May 12-16) Some classes are doing pictures this week and some next week. Please wear costume (ONE) to class the day of pictures I will just make a list of each class time and information you need to know for just your class (look below). All the picture information with prices will be their the day you get pictures done. Please write checks to Karly Adams. Parents are encouraged to stay for the day that pictures are done. Especially for the younger classes. There is NO normal dance classes the week of the recital. May 26th - 29th. The dress rehearsal and Recital only. 

Please remember every girls need TAN/NUDE FOOTLESS tights. Everyone will be barefoot. They will wear them for both dances. They need them for picture day as well.

Recital is on MAY 31st at 7:00p.m. girls will need to be there at 6:30p.m. The DRESS REHEARSAL is done the SAME day May 31st the 4 youngest classes (Wed 10:00 Wed 11:00 Thurs 10:00 Thurs 1:00) will all come from 10:00-12:00 and the other classes (Mon 4:30 Mon 5:30 Tues 4:30 Wed 5:30 Thurs 4:30) will all come at 11:45-2:00. Please be on time for dropping off as well as picking up!!!! Girls need to come to the SKY VIEW auditorium for both dress rehearsal and recital. For the DRESS REHEARSAL they will come in costume ONE (read below on your class time)  don't worry about hair and make-up for rehearsal. But they need to bring costume TWO with them so they can practice changing into costume two. Please Please Please mark every piece of your daughters costume with name or initials. For the Dress Rehearsal have your daughter bring a back pack with costumes and other activities (snacks, coloring stuff, books, games, etc.) they can do while they aren't on stage practicing. Your Pictures can be picked up on the day of the Dress Rehearsal in the back of the auditorium. Your welcome to video and take pictures during the recital but please be courteous to those around you. There will be NO saving seats during the dress rehearsal. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for everyone. Thanks!!  

MONDAY 4:30- You should have your STARDUST (ONE) costume, and will be receiving your LET IT GO (TWO) costume next Monday. Your Pictures will be May 19 during your normal dance class. Come to class on the 19th with Stardust on with hair and make-up done. We decided to change hair with a lot of girls having short hair. Wear your hair half up and half down, curling. We will have your hair piece for you that day. 

MONDAY 5:30- You should have your BEST SONG EVERY (ONE) costume, and will be receiving your BRAVE (TWO) costume next Monday. Your Pictures will be May 19 during your normal dance class. Come to class on the 19th with BRAVEt on with hair and make-up done. Hair should be in a low pony braided then twirled up into a bun. with switching out hair pieces. 

TUESDAY 4:30- You will get your ROAR (ONE) costume today Tuesday 13th, and will be receiving your READY or NOT (TWO) costume next Tuesday. Your Pictures will be May 20 during your normal dance class. Come to class on the 20th with ROAR on with hair and make-up done. Hair should be worn in tight bun on the side. 

WEDNESDAY 10:00- You should have both costumes. Pictures will be this Wednesday May 14 during your normal class time. Come to class with GOLD (ONE) on and make sure you bring CELEBRATION (TWO) to change into. Your hair should be warn in a high curling pony tail with switching out hair pieces. 

WEDNESDAY 11:00- You should have both costumes. Pictures will be this Wednesday May 14 during your normal class time. Come to class with UNDER the SEA (ONE) on and make sure you bring HOT HOT HOT (TWO) to change into. Your hair should be warn in a high curly pony tail with it in a bun for the first dance with the smaller of the three pieces wrapped around bun, we will change for dance two. 

WEDNESDAY 5:30- You should have your HAPPY WORKING SON (ONE) costume, and will be receiving your SHAKE YOUR GROVE (TWO) costume next Wednesday. Your Pictures will be May 21st during your normal dance class. Come to class on the 21st with HAPPY WORKING costume on with hair and make-up done. Hair should be worn in a high bun up on top with switching out hair assessors. 

THURSDAY 10:00- You should have both costumes. Pictures will be this Thursday May 15 during your normal class time. Come to class with MANIAC (ONE) We will be handing out HAPPY to you the day of pictures. Hair is changed from paper last week. Hair should be crimped with it all down for maniac with purple head band on. If you don't have a way to crimp their hair we will have three or four crimpers for picture day and recital. Halle's mom has offered to help with hair if needed. Then we will pull hair up to high pony tail for Happy with the bow in their hair. We will have someone back stage helping with that day of recital. 

THURSDAY 1:00-  You should have your TRUE LOVES KISS (ONE) costume, and will be receiving your RIO (TWO) costume this Thursday. Your Pictures will be May 15 during your normal dance class. Come to class on the 15th with True loves kiss on with hair and make-up done. Hair will be worn in a low side loose bun with changing out hair assessors. 

THURSDAY 4:30 - You will get your first costume POWER (ONE) this Thursday. Pictues will be Thursday May 22nd during your normal class. Come to class in costume ONE on. We will have costume POM POM (TWO) on the day of pictures for you to change into after. Hair should be worn in a high pony tail with curls with switching our hair pieces.  

Sorry for the over load of information but please make sure you understand everything and have dates and time on your calendar. Thanks for letting us teach your girls we are so so excited for the recital. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Hayley Egan

sweet pea dance

Thursday, April 17, 2014


The recital is getting close so just a few things to start thinking about. First every girls will need TAN / NUDE tights for both their dance costumes. They need to be footless tights. Which with that it makes them a little harder to find. Wal-Mart only has footed tights but they are $1.97 so if you want to save money you can just cut the toes off and they work fine that way. Walmart.com has some on line or a lot of different web sites have them. Let me know if you have a problem finding some. You will need to have those for pictures which will most likely be May 19-22. But just waiting on Costumes. I'll give you all the finale May dates the first week of May.

 If you have NOT paid you costume fees, tuition, and recital fee you will not be able to take home your costume the day we had them out. The Recital Fee which helps up cover the cost of renting Sky View will be $10.00 Pre GIRL and will be due with you MAY tuition. 

The Recital is on SATURDAY MAY 31st @ 7:00 p.m. Girls will need to be there by 6:30 all ready to go. The Dress Rehearsal will be the SAME day and will have the little girls (Wed 10:00 Wed 11:00  Thurs 10:00 and Thurs 1:00) come from  10:30-12:15 and The older girls (Mon 4:30 Mon 5:30 Tues 5:30 Wed 5:30 Thur 4:30) come from 12:00-1:30/2:00. 

For girls in the Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 and Thursday 10:00 - 1:00 classes we will be preforming at the Pioneer Valley Lodge on April 30th at 4:00 p.m. we will hand out costumes to you the prior week. Please come to the Pioneer Valley Lodge with costume, hair, and make-up done. For this performance do your hair however you want just put the hairpiece in. Then for the recital we will have a certain way you need to wear it. We need girls there right at 4:00 p.m. and we will be preforming right at 4:15. We need to be gone before 5:00 because they eat dinner then. Also parents just remember we are performing for the Grandma and Grandpas that live in Pioneer Valley so please let them sit in the front so they can see. You will get to see your girls dance at the recital the next month. Thanks for understanding. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Hayley Egan

Monday, March 3, 2014

       Here is a look of the upcoming events for March, April and May. Please make sure you get the recital on your calender. I'll keep posting new information about the recital on the blog so try and check the blog often. 
       We are going to start putting colored stickers on girls that have not paid tuition or costume fee so if you see that your daughter has a sticker that means you are past due and please pay as soon as you can.

March 3-6: Tuition is due 
March 1-31: Costume fee #2 is due of $35.00
March 31- April 3: Spring Break - NO DANCE
April 7-10: Tuition is due
April 17: The 4 morning classes preform at Pioneer Valley lodge.
May 1-7: Tuition is due + a $10.00 Recital Fee per girl. 
May 12-15: Hand costumes out
May 19-23: Picture Day
May 26-29: No Dance this week just recital
MAY 31: Dress Rehearsal 10:00 - 12:00 and 12:00-2:00
                RECITAL @7:00

 Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sweet Pea Dance

Hayley Egan

Monday, February 17, 2014

We will be having dance Monday February 17th (today), for whoever can come!!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

There will be NO DANCE on Monday January 20th for Martin Luther King Day. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January Dance

Dance starts back up this week. January 6-10. We are excited to get back and to start learning new dances. Just a reminder tuition will be due this week and with Critsy leaving soon we will start making checks to Hayley Egan. Thanks for making the change.
Hayley Egan