Monday, August 26, 2013

The first week of Setember 2nd-7th I'll send out and email with class list and other important information you will need to know for your first day of dance. If you registered and haven't heard anything then I got your daughter into the class you registered her for. Classes start September 9-10-11-12th. Any questions please don't hesitate to call Cristy or Hayley for more information.

Hayley 881-1566
Cristy 792-6078

Friday, August 2, 2013

2013-2014 Dance 

Registration will start August 7th. Please check "schedule"on the blog for new classes and times. Or if you have questions feel free to call Cristy or Hayley. Classes will begin on the week of September 9th. The week after labor day.  We can't wait to start a new year!!

Cristy Wiser: 435-713-5629
Hayley Egan 435-881-1566