Wednesday, March 20, 2013

SP Information


Sorry it's taken us so long to get you a total on your second costumes we finally got the seamstress to finalize our total. You can pay this costume fee from now until April 19. You will not receive your costumes until all is paid in full. Your second costume fee is $35.00. 

We have been working with SKY VIEW to finalize the date of the dance recital and have had to move it a few different times but think we finally got it finalized. It will be on SATURDAY MAY 25th. Please be award that this is Memorial Day weekend. They will have a dress rehearsal that same day. The four morning classes will come from 10:00 to 12:00 and all the afternoon classes will come from 11:40 to 2:00. Then the recital will be that night at 7:00 p.m. We will give you more information in April. There will be a recital fee that will be $10.00 per girl and that will be due with your MAY tuition. You will not receive costumes if all your fees are not paid in full. So please try and pay May tuition and the recital fee the first week of May. We will be handing out costumes that following week (May 7th, 8th, 9th). Please put that day on your calendar now we know how crazy May can be.

Just for parents with girls in the four morning classes ( Wednesday 10:30, 11:30 and Thursday 10:30, 11:30) The girls will be preforming at the Pioneer Valley Lodge on Wednesday April 24th at 4:00 p.m. That will be their dance class for that week of April 24th and 25th. We will be handing our their 1st costumes that previous week. So if your girl will not be at class that week it will be your responsibility to pick up the costume from Hayley or Cristy.

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.
Thanks for letting us teach your girls.

Hayley Egan 881-1566
Cristy Wiser 792-6078