The address to the studio is....
North 75 West in Hyde Park. Turn west in front of Tony's Grove it
turns right into a red brick/white building drive into that parking lot
and come to the NORTH side of the building and come through the double
doors with a sign that says SWEET PEA.
Please have your girls wear clothes that they can move in well. NO Jeans, Dress, etc. Leotards, tights, leggins, ballet skirts, tank tops, shirts, ballet shoes, jazz shoes are all great to wear. If you don't have dance shoes you can wait to buy them until we know what they will be wearing for their dances for the recital.
TUITION and REGISTRATION can be paid the first day of class.
Tuition is $24 a month, or $20 if you have two or more girls taking. Registration is $15 per girl. Please write your checks out to CRISTY WISER or if you do cash please make sure you put in an envelope with your daughters name and class time. There is a $10 late fee if not paid by the second week of class. You will not receive costumes if all fee's are not paid.
Tuition will always be due the first week of each month. These are the dates for the first Semester.
OCTOBER 16-19 Fall Break - NO DANCE
NOVEMBER 20-23 Thanksgiving Break - NO Dance
DECEMBER 14-31 Christmas Break - NO DANCE
If you have any questions please feel free to call or email us. We will see you the first week of September.
Hayley Egan
Cristy Wiser