Just want to keep in contact with everyone these next few months with the recital coming up!! There is a lot going on, and we want to make sure you as parents knows what's going on. Just a quick reminder for those of you who haven't paid for your costume 2 fee they are due this week TUESDAY 10th WEDNESDAY 11th and THURSDAY the 12th. If you have forgotten how much to pay here is a little reminder:
Tuesday 4:30 - $16.00
Wednesday 10:30 - $30.00 ( if you added to the second dance it's $38.00)
Wednesday 5:00 - (Ballet you have already paid with your costume 1)
Wednesday 6:00 - $23.00 (if you added to this class for just the second dance pay $38.00)
Thursday 10:30 - $27.00
Thursday 3:30 - $28.00
Thursday 4:30 - $20.00 ( if you added to this class for just the second dance pay $35.00)
Thursday 5:30 - $20.00
If you have any questions please call. We did have a mix up with two classes on prices so some of you that have already paid have paid too much or not enough. So we will give you credit for tuition or the recital fee, and if you haven't paid enough add it to your tuition. Sorry for the inconveniences.
Girls that are in the Wednesday 10:30 Thursday 10:30 Thursday 3:30 these are three youngest classes. We are going to preform at the Pioneer Valley Lodge Retirement Center Next Thursday April 19th at 4:30 p.m. we will need to be there at 4:00. We will hand out your costumes this week so if your not at class this week you will need to come pick them up from me before the recital. I know this is a little last minute if you have a conflict will you please call Cristy or Hayley. We will NOT have class the week of the Performance so No normal classes on Wednesday April 18th and Thursday April 19th.
There will be a $10 recital fee for us to use Sky View. It will be due with your MAY tuition.
Reminder about the Dance Recital it is on Saturday, MAY 26th at 7:00 p.m. at Sky View High school. The Dress Rehearsal is on that same day. The three little classes Wed 10:30 Thurs 10:30 Thurs 3:30 class will come first at 12:00 - 1:20 and the other 5 classes will come at 1:00 - 3:00. Then the girls will need to be back ALL ready for the recital by 6:30 p.m. We will keep posting information about the recital on the blog. So please keep checking!!
Thanks for all your support and letting us teach your girls. We are so excited for the recital and for your girls to show you all their hard work they have been working on over this dance year.
Hayley Egan 881-1566
Cristy Wiser 792-6078