The teacher will put a sticker on your daughter after dance with the price of your new costume on it! Costumes will be due by the first week of APRIL!! We won't be handing out costumes tell MAY, we don't want the girls to be wearing them or loose things before the dance recital. If you have any questions please feel free to call us with any questions.
Upcoming events to remember:
APRIL 10-12 Tuition and Costumes are due
MAY 1-3 Tuition due and the recital fee - we will let you know how much as soon as we get more information from SKY VIEW.
MAY 8,9,10 Handout costumes
MAY 15, 16, 17 Pictures during dance class. Each girl will come to dance in costume one, and change into costume two. We will send home information about pictures and picture prices.
MAY 26, 2012. Saturday Dress rehearsal and Recital. Please be aware that, that weekend is Memorial day weekend. So please plan your holiday plans around the recital. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sky View is really hard to book.
Please keep checking the blog for updates on the recital and costumes information.This is our way of communicating with you.
Thanks, Hayley and Cristy